Hi there! This is my first blog post. If you haven’t had a chance to read my “About Me” page, I am a divorced mom of two girls, a teenager and school age. Motherhood has been a wonderful experience and has brought me so much joy, but I have to be honest, when I was younger, I never wanted children. What I really dreamed about was a career. The right side of my brain wanted to be a dancer like Debbie Allen from Fame and the left side of my brain wanted to be a bulldog lawyer fighting for justice like Thurgood Marshall, but more importantly, I vowed I would never have children without being married. Ha! Look at life. According to my research, I am part of 8.5 million single mothers with children under the age of 18.
I was married for a very long time and despite my best efforts, my marriage failed. I once heard Eddie Levert comment on the loss of both of his sons, that in this life, we really don’t have control over very much. Lesson learned: You can’t control everything that happens, but you do have control over how you respond. When I changed my mindset, I learned to master change instead of change mastering me.
Second lesson learned: Choices, we make decisions daily and our lives are a product of the choices we make, not our circumstances. As I reflect on my past, deep down in my heart I did have some uncertainty over whether my ex-husband and I were compatible enough to spend the rest of our lives together, but it made sense at the time.
Today is a new day. What I am going to do is drop my youngest daughter off at school and while sipping on a cup of coffee, watch my oldest get on the bus as she head off to school. What a blessing! I choose to be grateful. How about you? Choose differently, let go a little and let life happen.
Health and happiness to you
Thanks so much!